Squirrels uniform consists of a red sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or 'necker’ to represent your local group. There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, navy blue trousers or shorts, if you’d like to. The necker is usually provided by the group.
Shop the full range of Squirrels Uniform and Accessories here: Squirrel Scouts | Squirrels Uniform & Accessories
Squirrel Scouts Uniform Sweatshirt Scouts Sections
Squirrel Scouts Kids Polo Shirt Scouts Sections
Official Scouts Activity Shorts - Youth's Unisex Scouts, Cubs, Beavers Scouts Sections
Official Scouting Activity Trousers for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Navy Scouts Sections
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